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5. NSW LandXML - Plan Data

1. Use the Edit/Plans/Add option to create the Plan.

2. Edit the 'NewPlan' and set the name to 'DP123456' and set the data fields as directed in the table below.

3. When creating or editing the Lot and Connection strings, add them to the Plan. Each Lot and Connection must be connected to the Plan before forming parcels.

Plan Data
Field Entry Comments
Plan Name Name of the plan (DP1117750) Set by user
Date of Survey (dd-mm-yyyy) Set by user
Units Metres Set by user
Mid Bearings Ignore
Angle Mode Ignore
Approved Ignore
Description Enter description Set by user

Plan Extra Attributes
Field Entry Comments
LGA Set by user
Locality Set by user
Parish Set by user
County Set by user
Surveyor Name Set by user
Company Optional Set by user
Plans Used Set by user
Purpose of Survey Set by user
Subdivision Number The number issued by the local council in the Subdivision Certificate Set by user
File Reference Surveyor's file reference Set by user
Survey Type Set by user
Origin Type Set by user
Datum A The survey Coordination mark name for the "A" point of the job datum Set by user
Datum B The survey Coordination mark name for the "B" point of the job datum Set by user
SCIMS Date Date SCIMS was accessed to get control data Set by user
Horizontal Datum Set by user
Vertical Datum Set by user
Plan Quality Set by user
Land Development Type Set by user
Notes Optional field for any special notes about the plan Set by user
Lodgement Set by user

Processing Steps
1. Initial Setup - Config File
2. Create the Plan heading Information
3. Integration Survey Marks
4. Point Data
5. Plan Data
6. Parcel Data
7. Editing Parcels and Lines
8. Occupations
9. Export to LandXML file